Already Executing Alarm
Associated with: DNP3 master outstations
The Already Executing Alarm attribute indicates whether the outstation’s DNP3 ALREADY_EXECUTING IIN bit is set.
If the bit is set, this indicates that there is a problem executing one of the following functions:
- The master station has sent a request to perform one of the following operations, but that operation is already in progress:
- DIRECT OPERATE (NO Acknowledgment)
- INIT. APPLICATION—The master station has sent a request to active an outstation application that is already being used.
- START APPLICATION—The master station has sent a request to run an outstation program that is already running.
- STOP APPLICATION—The master station has sent a request to stop an outstation program that is not running.
- SAVE CONFIGURATION—The master station has requested that the configuration is saved, but the outstation is already in the process of saving configuration.
Possible States: Displays one of the Standard Alarm States.
If the ALREADY_EXECUTING IIN bit is set, use the outstation’s diagnostic features to determine why the outstation could not execute the function. For example, it could be that the outstation was unable to execute an action sent from ClearSCADA because at that time, the outstation was already executing the action as part of an internal logic program. When you have discovered why the outstation could not execute the function, you will need to determine whether there is a problem at the outstation or if it is just a case that the outstation was busy when ClearSCADA sent the request.