ClearSCADA as a DNP3 Master Communicating with DNP3 Outstations
Where ClearSCADA uses the DNP3 protocol to retrieve data from its outstations, the ClearSCADA system acts as a DNP3 Master.
For this scenario, within ClearSCADA you need to configure (as appropriate to the type of communications being used):
- At least one DNP3 Direct Channel and/or DNP3 PSTN Channel
- At least one DNP3 Direct Outstation Set and/or DNP3 PSTN Outstation Set
- One DNP3 Direct Outstation or DNP3 PSTN Outstation for each DNP3 outstation with which the ClearSCADA server is to communicate.
- A DNP3 Point for each point in the DNP3 outstations.
In the diagram below, ClearSCADA is using the DNP3 protocol to communicate with three DNP3 outstations:
Further Information
Scanning for Data on DNP3 Devices