You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 Driver > Configuring a DNP3 Outstation > Configure DNP3 Event Scanning

Configure DNP3 Event Scanning

The ClearSCADA DNP3 driver is capable of issuing DNP3 event polls for specific DNP3 items, in addition to Class polls (see Specify When ClearSCADA Performs Class Polls).

Use the fields within the Event Scanning section of the DNP3 tab to specify the frequency at which ClearSCADA performs DNP3 Event polls:

Use each combo box to specify a Scan Group. The update frequency of each Scan Group, and the frequency with which ClearSCADA performs each DNP3 Event poll, is determined by the corresponding Scan Group property, configured on the DNP3 Channel Form (see Configure the Scan Group Intervals).

NOTE: DNP3 Event Scanning requires DNP3 Level 2 support at the outstation. If the outstation does not support DNP3 Level 2, set these fields to ‘None’.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2