You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 Driver > Points Used on DNP3 Outstations > Configure the DNP3-Specific Control Properties on DNP3 Output Points

Configure the DNP3-Specific Control Properties on DNP3 Output Points

NOTE: This section does not apply to output points that are controlled exclusively by another application, rather than ClearSCADA. (For further information, see Specify Whether an Output Point is Controlled by ClearSCADA.)

These fields are displayed toward the bottom of the Control tab on the DNP3 Analog Output Point and DNP3 Binary Output Point Forms. For output points that can be controlled by ClearSCADA, use the fields to specify the type of control and whether ClearSCADA is to restore the point value in the event of power loss:

In addition to the above, this DNP3-specific field is displayed on the Control tab of DNP3 Analog Output Points:

ClearSCADA 2015 R2