You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 Driver > DNP3 Driver Guide - Configuring a DNP3 Slave Outstation

Configuring a DNP3 Slave Outstation

This section covers the configuration of DNP3 slave outstations—outstations that allow ClearSCADA to operate as a DNP3 Slave (see Third-Party Master Communicating with a ClearSCADA DNP3 Slave). For information on DNP3 outstations for which ClearSCADA operates as the DNP3 Master, see Configuring a DNP3 Outstation.

When ClearSCADA is configured as a DNP3 Slave, it appears as a DNP3 outstation to a DNP3 master, such as a third-party server. The DNP3 master accesses the data in the ClearSCADA database, by communicating with one or more of the following ClearSCADA database items:

You configure outstation properties using the fields on the DNP3 Slave Direct Outstation Form, or the DNP3 Slave PSTN Outstation Form, as appropriate.

Each Form has several tabs.

This section covers configuration of DNP3-specific properties that are on the DNP3 and Security tabs of each Form and on the PSTN tab of the DNP3 Slave PSTN Outstation Form.

For DNP3 Slave Direct Outstations and DNP3 Slave PSTN Outstations, use the DNP3 tab to:

For DNP3 Slave Direct Outstations and DNP3 Slave PSTN Outstations that use DNP3 Secure Authentication, use the Security tab to:

For DNP3 Slave PSTN Outstations, use the PSTN tab to:

Properties on the other tabs of each Slave Outstation Form are common to outstations on many advanced drivers. For further information, see Tabs on Outstation Forms in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers.

For information on the minimal amount of configuration that you can undertake to produce a functional DNP3 Slave Outstation in ClearSCADA, see Minimum Configuration.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2