You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 Driver > Introduction to the DNP3 Driver > DNP3 Master Configuration

DNP3 Master Configuration

To configure ClearSCADA as a DNP3 Master, you need to create and configure:

  1. DNP3 Channel(s) to define the communication connections between ClearSCADA and the DNP3 outstations (see Configuring a DNP3 Channel).
  2. A DNP3 Outstation Set to define each group of DNP3 outstations that share the same communications media (see Configuring a DNP3 Outstation Set).
  3. A DNP3 Outstation to represent each DNP3 outstation with which ClearSCADA communicates (see Configuring a DNP3 Outstation).


    Ensure that the outstation configuration in the ClearSCADA database matches the configuration that exists at the corresponding outstation. This is particularly important with those DNP3 outstations that do not support downloading of configuration properties from ClearSCADA.
    Failure to follow these instructions can result in inoperable equipment, unexpected equipment operation, or inaccurate data values.

    Many DNP3 outstations do not support downloading of configuration properties from ClearSCADA. For this reason, you should check that the outstation configuration in the ClearSCADA database matches the configuration that exists at the corresponding outstation.

  4. A DNP3 Point to represent each analog or binary measuring instrument or control device that is connected to each DNP3 outstation (see Points Used on DNP3 Outstations).
  5. DNP3 Pulse Actions (where needed) to carry out controls on plant for specified periods of time (see Configuring DNP3 Pulse Actions).
  6. DNP3 Status Points (where needed) to retrieve internal status information from each DNP3 outstation (see Configuring DNP3 Status Points).

If the DNP3 master is used for routing comms using a Virtual Terminal, you also need to Configure a DNP3 VT Service Port Master and Configure a DNP3 Virtual Terminal.

NOTE: To add a DNP3 item to the database, you select the relevant type of item from the DNP3 branch of the Database Bar’s context sensitive menu (see Add an Item to the Database in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration). To add a DNP3 outstation, point, or pulse-action, select the appropriate entry from the Generic submenu within the DNP3 branch. (If your system is running a DNP3 Extension Driver, other DNP3 submenus might be displayed to enable you to add items specific to that extension driver. For information on those items, see the relevant DNP3 extension driver guide.)

Further Information

Scanning for Data on DNP3 Devices.

ClearSCADA can communicate with other DNP3 devices using a DNP3 Extension Driver. For information on configuring such devices, see the relevant DNP3 extension driver guide.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2