Disable Unsolicited Alarm
Associated with: DNP3 master outstations
The Disable Unsolicited Alarm attribute indicates whether the DNP3 ‘Disable Unsolicited’ message, sent by the ClearSCADA DNP3 driver to disable unsolicited responses in the outstation, was successful.
The ClearSCADA DNP3 driver will send the ‘Disable Unsolicited’ message if:
- You Enable Unsolicited Message Generation in the outstation. (The outstation will initially send a ‘Disable Unsolicited’ message when establishing communications, followed by an ‘Enable Unsolicited’ message once communications are established.)
- You Configure Virtual Terminal Support in the outstation
- The Disable Unsolicited Events pick action is executed.
Possible States: Displays one of the Standard Alarm States.
Use the Unsolicited Event Reporting Status >attribute to determine which unsolicited event classes are enabled and disabled in the outstation.