You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 Driver > Scanning for Data on DNP3 Devices > DNP3 Driver Guide - Scanning Direct Outstations on the DNP3 Driver (Scanning for Data on DNP3 Devices)

Scanning Direct Outstations on the DNP3 Driver

This section describes how the DNP3 driver scans (polls) Direct and Shared outstations for data.

(The way in which ClearSCADA retrieves data from outstations that communicate via PSTN differs to the way in which it retrieves data from outstations that have a permanent (‘direct’) connection to the server. For information on scanning PSTN outstations, see Retrieving Data from PSTN Outstations in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers.)

The types of scan that the DNP3 driver can perform are:

ClearSCADA 2015 R2