Specify the DNP3 Static Object Types
In the DNP3 protocol, the current value or state of a point is sent to the DNP3 master as a DNP3 Static Object. A DNP3 Static Object is typically sent by the DNP3 Slave outstation in response to a DNP3 Class 0 poll, issued by the DNP3 master.
A DNP3 master issues a Class 0 poll to a DNP3 Slave outstation.
The outstation responds with a message containing, along with other information, a number of Binary Input Objects. The Binary Input Objects contain the state (and possibly status) of the binary inputs on that ClearSCADA slave outstation.
For each type of point that is associated with a DNP3 Slave outstation, you need to assign a Filtered Value Map (see Define the Filtered Value Map Locations). For each point type that is assigned a Filtered Value Map, use the fields within the Static Objects section of the DNP3 tab to define how the DNP3 Slave outstation formats and presents the Static Object data for those points, to the DNP3 master.
ClearSCADA ignores the Static Object of any points types for which Filtered Value Maps are not configured.
NOTE: The DNP3 Static Objects and formats specified in this section are not used in a response to a DNP3 Level 3 Scan (this object and format is specified by the master when performing a DNP3 Level 3 Scan).
- Binary Input—Use the combo box to specify the Static Object type that the outstation uses to send current states of binary input points. Choose from:
- Binary Input (g1v1)—The current state of a binary input is sent without status (quality) flags.
- Binary Input Status (g1v2)—The current state of a binary input is sent with status (quality) flags.
- Binary Output—Use the combo box to specify the Static Object type that the outstation uses to send current states of binary output points. Choose from:
- Binary Output (g10v1)—The current state of a binary output is sent without status (quality) flags.
- Binary Output Status (g10v2)—The current state of a binary output is sent with status (quality) flags.
- Double-bit Binary Input—Use the combo box to specify the Static Object type that the outstation uses to send current states of double-bit binary input points. Choose from:
- Double-bit Binary Input (g3v1)—The current state of a double-bit binary input is sent without status (quality) flags.
- Double-bit Binary Input Status (g3v2)—The current state of a double-bit binary input is sent with status (quality) flags.
- Analog Input—Use the combo box to specify the Static Object type that the outstation uses to send current values of analog input points. Choose from:
- 32-bit Analog Input (g30v1)—The current value of an analog input point is sent as a signed, 32-bit integer with status (quality) flags.
- 16-bit Analog Input (g30v2)—The current value of an analog input point is sent as a signed, 16-bit integer with status (quality) flags.
- 32-bit Analog Input No Flag (g30v3)—The current value of an analog input point is sent as a signed, 32-bit integer without status (quality) flags.
- 16-bit Analog Input No Flag (g30v4)—The current value of an analog input point is sent as a signed, 16-bit integer without status (quality) flags.
- Short Float Analog Input (g30v5)—The current value of an analog input point is sent as a signed, IEEE single-precision (32-bit) floating point number with status (quality) flags.
- Double Float Analog Input (g30v6)—The current value of an analog input point is sent as a signed, IEEE double-precision (64-bit) floating point number with status (quality) flags.
- Analog Output—Use the combo box to specify the Static Object type that the outstation uses to send current values of analog output points. Choose from:
- 32-bit Analog Output Status (g40v1)—The current value of an analog output point is sent as a signed, 32-bit integer with status (quality) flags.
- 16-bit Analog Output Status (g40v2)—The current value of an analog output point is sent as a signed, 16-bit integer with status (quality) flags.
- Short Floating Point Analog Output Status (g40v3)—The current value of an analog output point is sent as a signed, IEEE single-precision (32-bit) floating point number with status (quality) flags.
- Double Floating Point Analog Output Status (g40v4)—The current value of an analog output point is sent as a signed, IEEE double-precision (64-bit) floating point number with status (quality) flags.
- Running Counter—Use the combo box to specify the Static Object type that the outstation uses to send current values of counters. Choose from:
- 32-bit Binary Counter (g20v1)—The current value of a counter point is sent as an unsigned, 32-bit integer with status (quality) flags.
- 16-bit Binary Counter (g20v2)—The current value of a counter point is sent as an unsigned, 16-bit integer with status (quality) flags.
- 32-bit Counter No Flag (g20v5)—The current value of a counter point is sent as an unsigned, 32-bit integer without status (quality) flags.
- 16-bit Counter No Flag (g20v6)—The current value of a counter point is sent as an unsigned, 16-bit integer without status (quality) flags.
- Frozen Counter—Use the combo box to specify the Static Object type that the outstation uses to send current values of frozen counters. Choose from:
- 32-bit Frozen Counter (g21v1)—The current value of a frozen counter point is sent as an unsigned, 32-bit integer with status (quality) flags.
- 16-bit Frozen Counter (g21v2)—The current value of a frozen counter point is sent as an unsigned, 16-bit integer with status (quality) flags.
- 32-bit Frozen Counter No Flag (g21v9)—The current value of a frozen counter point is sent as an unsigned, 32-bit integer without status (quality) flags.
- 16-bit Frozen Counter No Flag (g21v10)—The current value of a frozen counter point is sent as an unsigned, 16-bit integer without status (quality) flags.
- Send Counter Objects In Class 0 Reply—Use this combo box to specify which counter values the DNP3 Slave outstation sends as static data to the DNP3 master.
Choose from:
- Binary Counter Only—The outstation sends the current values of its binary (running) counter points. The values are sent in the format specified in the Static Object section’s Running Counter field.
The current values of any frozen counter points are not sent.
- Frozen Counter Only—The outstation sends the current values of its frozen counter points. The values are sent in the format specified in the Static Object section’s Frozen Counter field.
The current values of any running counter points are not sent.
- Binary and Frozen Counter—The outstation sends the current values of its running and frozen counter points.
Running counter values are sent in the format specified in the Static Object section’s Running Counter field.
Frozen counter values are sent in the format specified in the Static Object section’s Frozen Counter field.
The field is ignored if no Counter or Frozen Counter Maps are configured.
- Binary Counter Only—The outstation sends the current values of its binary (running) counter points. The values are sent in the format specified in the Static Object section’s Running Counter field.
The current values of any frozen counter points are not sent.
- Frozen Counter Only—The outstation sends the current values of its frozen counter points. The values are sent in the format specified in the Static Object section’s Frozen Counter field.
The current values of any running counter points are not sent.
- Binary and Frozen Counter—The outstation sends the current values of its running and frozen counter points.
Running counter values are sent in the format specified in the Static Object section’s Running Counter field.
Frozen counter values are sent in the format specified in the Static Object section’s Frozen Counter field.
The field is ignored if no Counter or Frozen Counter Maps are configured.
- Binary Counter Only—The outstation sends the current values of its binary (running) counter points. The values are sent in the format specified in the Static Object section’s Running Counter field.