You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 Driver > Introduction to the DNP3 Driver > Third-Party Master Communicating with a ClearSCADA DNP3 Slave

Third-Party Master Communicating with a ClearSCADA DNP3 Slave

Where a third-party server uses the DNP3 protocol to retrieve data from ClearSCADA, the ClearSCADA system acts as a Slave Outstation.

For this scenario, within ClearSCADA you need to configure (as appropriate to the type of communications being used):

The diagram below shows a third party server acting as a DNP3 master to ClearSCADA:

Further Information

Configuring a DNP3 Channel

Configuring a DNP3 Outstation Set

Configuring a DNP3 Slave Outstation

Filtered Value Maps: see Configuring Value Maps in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2