Third-Party Master Communicating with a ClearSCADA DNP3 Slave
Where a third-party server uses the DNP3 protocol to retrieve data from ClearSCADA, the ClearSCADA system acts as a Slave Outstation.
For this scenario, within ClearSCADA you need to configure (as appropriate to the type of communications being used):
- At least one DNP3 Slave Direct Channel and/or DNP3 Slave PSTN Channel
- At least one DNP3 Slave Direct Outstation Set and/or DNP3 Slave PSTN Outstation Set
- One DNP3 Slave Direct Outstation or DNP3 Slave PSTN Outstation for each DNP3 outstation that the ClearSCADA server will act as (ClearSCADA may be configured to appear as more than one) outstation.
- Filtered Value Maps to map values in the ClearSCADA database that will be read by the third party DNP3 master.
The diagram below shows a third party server acting as a DNP3 master to ClearSCADA:
Further Information
Configuring a DNP3 Outstation Set
Configuring a DNP3 Slave Outstation
Filtered Value Maps: see Configuring Value Maps in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration.