Configure Host DNP/IP Tracking
Use the fields on the Host DNP/IP Tracking section of the SCADAPack TCP/IP tab to specify up to four DNP3 address(es) for which the SCADAPack E outstation tracks the IP Address.
When the SCADAPack E outstation receives a DNP3 frame addressed to it from one of the above DNP3 addresses, it updates the corresponding host IP address system string point with the IP Address of the source DNP3 node (see the SCADAPack E TCP/IP Technical User and Reference Manual for the point numbers). The host IP address system string points can be read by an ISaGRAF application running in the SCADAPack E outstation, which may then perform actions based in the IP Address (for example modifying the DNP Route Table in a redundant gateway setup).
The outstation only tracks the IP Addresses of DNP3 frames with a Destination Address that matches the SCADAPack E outstation’s DNP3 Address. DNP3 frames with a Source Address that matches any of the Host Address fields that are routed through the outstation to another DNP3 host, do not cause the corresponding Host IP Address System Point to be updated. The SCADAPack E outstation’s DNP3 Route Table does track the host IP address for DNP3 frames routed through the outstation (see the DNP3 Networking section of the SCADAPack E DNP3 Technical User and Reference Manual).