Configure Rate of Change Properties
Use the fields within the Rate of Change section of the Analog Point tab to define if the SCADAPack E outstation detects whether a DNP3 SCADAPack point’s value is rising or falling too quickly.
NOTE: Rate of Change properties do not apply to analog points for which the Point Type is set to Physical Output (see Configure Common Properties of DNP3 SCADAPack Points).
- Period—Specify the period over which the rate of change is measured. Specify a period of zero if rate of change detection is not to be performed.
Enter the time in the OPC Time Format.
- Rising Threshold—Specify the amount, as a percentage of the point’s engineering range, that the point’s value can increase by within the Period (see above) before the Rising Point (see below) is set.
- Rising Point—Specify a DNP3 SCADAPack Binary Input Point that the outstation will turn on when an excessive Rate of Rise is detected for this point.
This point has to exist as a DNP3 SCADAPack Binary Input Point in the ClearSCADA database, and be associated with the same DNP3 SCADAPack E Outstation as the analog point. The point also has to have a Point Type of User (Derived)(see Configure Common Properties of DNP3 SCADAPack Points).
- Falling Threshold—Specify the amount, as a percentage of the point’s engineering range, that the point’s value can decrease by within the Period (see above) before the Falling Point (see below) is set.
- Falling Point—Specify a DNP3 SCADAPack Binary Input Point that the outstation will turn on when an excessive Rate of Fall is detected for this point.
This point has to exist as a DNP3 SCADAPack Binary Input Point in the ClearSCADA database, and be associated with the same DNP3 SCADAPack E Outstation as the analog point. The point also has to have a Point Type of User (Derived)(see Configure Common Properties of DNP3 SCADAPack Points).
NOTE: A DNP3 SCADAPack Binary Input Point that is linked to one Rising Point or Falling Point cannot be linked to any other Rising Point, Falling Point, No Change Point (see Specify Whether the SCADAPack Outstation is to Detect if an Analog Point has Stopped Changing), control Interlock Point (see Interlock Points), or I/O Status Point (see Configure the 5000 Series I/O Properties).