You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 SCADAPack E Driver > Configuring I/O Expansion Cards and Modules > DNP3 SCADAPack Driver Guide - Configure the 5000 Series I/O Properties (Configuring I/O Expansion Cards and Modules)

Configure the 5000 Series I/O Properties

Unlike the on-board I/O on other SCADAPack E outstations, on-board I/O on SCADAPack 330E, 334E, 350E, 357E, 530E or 535E outstations are not automatically assigned any DNP3 Point Numbers. As such, in the ClearSCADA database you need to configure a DNP3 SCADAPack 5000 Series IO item for each on-board I/O card on a 330E, 334E, 350E, 357E, 530E or 535E outstation, in addition to one for each expansion card on that type of outstation.

Use the fields at the top of the 5000 Series tab on the DNP3 SCADAPack 5000 Series IO Form to configure these module-specific properties:

In addition to the above fields, the 5000 Series tab includes a Module Specific Configuration section to enable you to Specify the Module Specific Configuration.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2