You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 SCADAPack E Driver > DNP3 SCADAPack Driver Guide - Configuring ClearSCADA to Retrieve DNP3 SCADAPack Status Information

Configuring ClearSCADA to Retrieve DNP3 SCADAPack Status Information

SCADAPack E outstations store internal status information at specific DNP3 point numbers in the outstation database. Depending on the type of SCADAPack E outstation and its configuration, such information might include the status of:

For ClearSCADA to retrieve any of this internal status data, there is no need to specify the individual Status Points for which ClearSCADA is to retrieve the data—instead, you merely need to specify the type of status information you want ClearSCADA to retrieve and, if applicable, the port or address. (To retrieve any other status information from an E outstation, you do need to configure individual DNP3 Status Points (see Configuring DNP3 Status Points in the ClearSCADA Guide to the DNP3 Driver).)

To retrieve any of the above internal SCADAPack E status information, you need to configure one DNP3 SCADAPack Status Information item in the database for each type of status data you want ClearSCADA to retrieve from an outstation.

Configure the required properties on the DNP3 SCADAPack Status Information Form. The Form has several tabs.

Use the Parent tab to:

Use the Status Type tab to:

Once the configuration is saved and ClearSCADA has retrieved the specified status information, you can view that retrieved data via the DNP3 SCADAPack Status Information item’s Status display (see DNP3 SCADAPack Status Information Attributes).

ClearSCADA 2015 R2