Configuring DNP3 SCADAPack 32-bit Point Modbus Maps
This section only applies if:
- A SCADAPack E outstation is a Modbus Slave
(To communicate as a Modbus Slave device, the Function of at least one of the SCADAPack E outstation’s ports has to be defined as Modbus Slave (see Configure the Properties of the Individual Ports).)
- The Modbus master is to read or write 32-bit integer or floating point (real) data from the SCADAPack E outstation.
Modbus devices use registers to store point data. Each Modbus register comprises 16 bits (1 Word). To provide consistent mapping of 32-bit analog point values to Modbus registers, you need to map such point data to a DNP3 SCADAPack 32-bit Point Modbus Map in the ClearSCADA database.
Mapping the data using such a Point Map provides a consistent correlation between each analog point’s low Word and high Word and the Modbus register that holds the data.
Each DNP3 SCADAPack E outstation that is a Modbus Slave can map data to one DNP3 SCADAPack 32-bit Point Modbus Map (see Configure Modbus Properties).
You can configure multiple DNP3 SCADAPack 32-bit Point Modbus Maps in ClearSCADA.
This section explains how to:
For an example that demonstrates how you might configure a 32-bit Point Modbus Map to correspond to data in a Modbus master, see Example Configuration.
For further information on 32-bit Point Modbus Maps, see the SCADAPack E Modbus Communication Interfaces manual.