Configuring DNP3 SCADAPack E Trend Sampler Functionality
SCADAPack E outstations and 386 eNET outstations are capable of periodically sampling counter, analog input, binary input, derived analog, and derived binary point data. If the SCADAPack E outstations on your system are to sample data, you can configure the settings for that Trend Sampling in ClearSCADA and then download that configuration to the outstation as part of the Download Configuration process. The outstation will then sample the data at the specified rate(s).
ClearSCADA can retrieve the data from each outstation automatically at the Trend Retrieval rate specified on the Outstation Form (see Configure the Trend Retrieval Properties). Alternatively, the Retrieve All Trends pick action can be used to retrieve the stored sampled data from an individual outstation.
The DNP3 SCADAPack E driver supports these Trend items:
- DNP3 SCADAPack E Trend Analog—To define the rate at which a SCADAPack E or 386 eNET outstation samples the data from an individual analog point. You can only associate a DNP3 SCADAPack E Trend Analog item with an analog point that has a Physical Input or Derived Point Type.
- DNP3 SCADAPack E Trend Binary—To define the rate at which a SCADAPack E or 386 eNET outstation samples the current data from an individual binary point. You can only associate a DNP3 SCADAPack E Trend Binary item with a binary point that has a Physical Input or Derived Point Type.
- DNP3 SCADAPack E Trend Counter—To define the rate at which a SCADAPack E or 386 eNET outstation samples the data from an individual counter point.
In the ClearSCADA database, you need to configure one Trend item for each different type of data sampling task that the outstation is to perform on an individual point’s data. Use the fields on each Trend’s configuration Form to configure the Trend’s properties. The Form has several tabs.
Use the Trend tab to Configure the Basic Trend Properties.
Use the Type tab to:
Use the Historic tab to specify:
- Whether any compression is applied to the sampled point data before it is stored historically in the ClearSCADA database
- The time period shown on any Historic Trends and Lists.
Historic storage of sampled point data is enabled on each Trend item by default. The properties on each Trend’s Historic tab are identical to those on the Historic tab of any Point Form (see Defining Historic Details for a Point in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Point Configuration).
The fields on other tabs are common to many database items (see Tabs that are Common to Many Configuration Forms in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers).
For an example that demonstrates how to configure Trend sampling requirements on a ClearSCADA system, see Example Configuration. For more information on the SCADAPack E Trend Sampler, see the SCADAPack E Trend Sampler Technical User and Reference Manual.