Create a DNP3 Direct Outstation Set
When you create the outstation set, most of the configuration fields can be left at their default values. The only fields you need to change for this tutorial are:
- In Service—Located on the Outstation Set tab. Ensure that the check box is selected so that it displays a check mark.
- Channel—Located on the Outstation Set tab. Specify the DNP3 Direct Channel created above.
- DNP3 Local Address—Located on the DNP3 tab. Set to 30000.
For further information on configuring a DNP3 Direct Outstation Set, see Configuring a DNP3 Outstation Set in the ClearSCADA Guide to the DNP3 Driver.
Once you have configured the outstation set, you can proceed to Create a DNP3 SCADAPack E Direct Outstation.