Define whether the Alarm Limits can be Tuned
The Tune Limits field is displayed toward the bottom of the Alarm Limits section on the Analog Point tab:
- Tune Limits—Use the check box to specify whether a points alarm limits can be tuned. For further information, see Define whether an Analog Point’s Limits can be Tuned in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Point Configuration.
If this option is enabled, operators can tune the ‘standard’ alarm limits using the Tune Alarm Limits pick action, providing that those limits are not profile-controlled (see Optionally Associate one or More Profiles with the Point). Be aware that the action of tuning a point’s limits triggers ClearSCADA to download the point’s Alarm Limits to the SCADAPack E outstation. (Should such a download be unsuccessful, a Tune Limits Alarm is generated.)