Retrieve All Trends
Associated with: DNP3 SCADAPack E outstations and DNP3 SCADAPack Remote E outstations
Security permission required to access this pick action: Retrieve Data
SCADAPack E outstations and 386 eNET outstations are capable of periodically sampling counter, analog input, binary input, derived analog, and derived binary point data. The sampled point data is stored locally at the outstation.
If configured to do so, ClearSCADA will automatically retrieve any sampled point data from a Direct or Shared outstation at the Trend Retrieval rate specified on the Outstation Form (see Configure the Trend Retrieval Properties). (ClearSCADA automatically retrieves any sampled point data from a PSTN outstation whenever it is in communications with that outstation.)
You can also use the Retrieve All Trends pick action to retrieve any sampled data that is stored at an outstation.
In either case, the sampled data is deleted from the outstation once the DNP3 master has read the data successfully.
Be aware that the sampled data may contain gaps, or may not be available, for any points on which the Disable All Trends pick action has been used to cease any trend sampling activity.