Associated with: DNP3 SCADAPack Analog Profiles, DNP3 SCADAPack Binary Profiles, and DNP3 SCADAPack Counter Profiles
Security permission required to access this method: Configure
Use the SetVectors method to define all of the profile vectors on a DNP3 SCADAPack Profile item that exists in the ClearSCADA database.
The method is the equivalent of manually editing a profile’s vectors in ViewX (see Configuring DNP3 SCADAPack Profiles).
The SetVectors method arguments vary, depending on the type of Profile. For more information, see:
- DNP3 SCADAPack Analog Profile Arguments
- DNP3 SCADAPack Binary Profile Arguments
A DNP3 SCADAPack Binary Profile can be used to control a DNP3 SCADAPack Pulse’s action(s), or a DNP3 SCADAPack Binary point’s current value (as long as that point has a Point Type other than ‘Physical Input’).
- DNP3 SCADAPack Counter Profile Arguments.
With each type of Profile, the arguments comprises a Times and one or more <Value Type>Values arrays. Ideally the <Value Type>Values arrays should contain the type of value that corresponds to the Profile’s type (for instance floating point 32-bit values to configure a DNP3 SCADAPack Analog Profile’s vectors). However, if an array contains different type(s) of value, ClearSCADA will automatically convert those values to the correct type when the SetVectors method is executed.
To successfully configure a DNP3 SCADAPack Profile’s vectors using the SetVectors method, you need to ensure that:
- The Times are in sequential order, starting with the earliest time.
- The Times are unique.
- The alarm limits on SCADAPack Analog Profiles do not cross over each other. For example, the High4Values profile is greater than the High3Values profile.
- Each array (Times array plus <Value Type>Values array(s)) contains the same number of elements (or is empty, to disable that particular profile).
If any of the above requirements are not adhered to, the method call will not succeed and ClearSCADA will not modify the DNP3 SCADAPack Profile’s vectors.