Specify Whether an Outstation Communicates with Multiple DNP3 Masters
NOTE: A SCADAPack E outstation has to have a multi-master license in order to activate its multi-master functionality.
Use the Extra Masters combo box on the Multiple Masters tab to specify whether a SCADAPack E outstation communicates with more than one DNP3 master.
If an outstation communicates with either One or Two other masters, additional fields are displayed on the Multiple Masters tab, to enable the properties specific to those masters to be specified. (Be aware that if you increase the number of Extra Masters from One to Two, any settings that differ from the defaults will need specifying for both additional masters.)
- DNP3 Master Address—Use to specify the address of the other DNP3 master with which the outstation communicates.
- DNP3 Outstation Address—Use to specify the address of the outstation, as used by the above DNP3 master, when communicating with this outstation.
For information on configuring the rest of the fields on the Multiple Masters tab, see Configure the Unsolicited Message Properties that are Specific to a Particular DNP3 Master.
If an outstation is configured to communicate with multiple DNP3 masters, other field(s) become available on the configuration Forms of the points on that outstation, to enable you to Specify the Point Data Class that Applies when Communicating with another DNP3 Master.
Further Information
SCADAPack E Outstations that Communicate with more than one DNP3 Master.