Specify the Profile Type
Use the Profile Type field toward the bottom of the SCADAPack tab to specify the type of Profile that is used by the outstation’s points.
Take great care if you need to change an existing outstation’s Profile Type at some future date from Standard to Daily, or vice versa. Changing an outstation’s Profile Type will remove the existing Profile entries from the configuration Forms of the points on that outstation. (As that type of Profile would no longer be deemed to be valid.)
Ensure that you update each point’s configuration as required.
Select the type of Profile that is appropriate to your way of working. Choose from:
- Standard—The default option. The outstation’s points use ClearSCADA’s standard or ‘core’ Time Profiles (see Configuring Time Profiles in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).
With this type of Profile, each Time Profile database item defines a single profile (for example, a ‘2 High’ limit profile) for the whole week. With DNP3 SCADAPack points, each Time Profile can have a Daily or Weekly span, for which the data has to be Stepped. (With a Daily Time Profile, the profile’s span is repeated from the start of each day. With a Weekly Time Profile, the change in value over the profile’s span is repeated at the start of each week.
On each DNP3 SCADAPack Point Form, you can associate a different Time Profile with each point limit or state.
- Daily—The outstation’s points use DNP3 SCADAPack Profiles (see Configuring DNP3 SCADAPack Profiles).
With this type of Profile, each DNP3 SCADAPack Profile database item defines all of the profiles (for example, 4 High, 3 High, 2 High, 1 High, 1 Low, 2 Low, 3 Low, 4 Low, and Current Value) for a single day of the week.
On each DNP3 SCADAPack Point Form, you associate a DNP3 SCADAPack Profile with each day of the week.