You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 SCADAPack E Driver > DNP3 SCADAPack Specific Status Display Attributes > Tune Limits Alarm

Tune Limits Alarm

Associated with: DNP3 SCADAPack Analog points and DNP3 SCADAPack Counter points

The Tune Limits Alarm status attribute is associated with ClearSCADA’s attempts to download the point’s Alarm Limits configuration to the SCADAPack E outstation. ClearSCADA attempts to download such configuration in response to a Tune Alarm Limits pick action request. The status attribute indicates an alarm state if ClearSCADA’s last attempt to download the point’s alarm limits was unsuccessful.

A download would be unsuccessful if, for example, communications were lost during the download, or an attempt was made to tune the limits of a point for which configuration did not yet exist in the outstation.

Possible states: Displays one of the Standard Alarm States.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2