You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 SCADAPack E Driver > Scanning DNP3 SCADAPack E Outstations > Unsolicited Message Generation

Unsolicited Message Generation

In addition to the usual unsolicited message configuration (see Unsolicited Messages in the ClearSCADA Guide to the DNP3 Driver), on a SCADAPack E outstation you can specify:

For each point on a SCADAPack E outstation, you can specify the type of DNP3 data Class with which the point’s events are associated. You can also specify whether the generation of such an event causes the outstation to send an unsolicited message to ClearSCADA, or whether the outstation just stores the event in its internal Event Buffer (see Specify Whether a Class n Event Triggers an Unsolicited Message).

ClearSCADA 2015 R2