You are here: Core Reference > Coding > Database > Base Class and Sub-Classes Section

Base Class and Sub-Classes Section

The Base Class is the class from which a class is derived, that is, its parent class.

Each Base Class entry is a hyperlink to the information for the Base Class.

The Database Schema displays information about a class's Base Class and Sub-Classes.


If you are viewing the CPointDigital class, the Base Class is CSimplePoint—the CSimplePoint is the next branch up from the CPointDigital class in the database hierarchy.

By selecting the Base Class hyperlink, you can view the information for the classes that are higher up in the database hierarchy. This allows you to determine how a class relates to the rest of the classes.

You can view the classes that are lower down in the database hierarchy by selecting one of the Sub-Classes.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2