Numeric Functions
The numeric functions include common mathematical functions. The numeric functions supported by ClearSCADA are:
- ABS—Returns the absolute value of a number.
- ACOS—Returns the inverse Cosine (radians) of a number.
- ASIN—Returns the inverse Sine (radians) of a number.
- ATAN—Returns the inverse Tangent (radians) of a number.
- AVERAGE—Returns the mean average of a set of numbers.
- COS—Returns the Cosine (radians) of a number.
- COSH—Returns the Hyperbolic Cosine of a number.
- DEG—Converts radians to degrees.
- EXP—Returns the base of a natural logarithm raised to a power (en)
- FIX—Rounds a floating point value down to the nearest integer value.
- INT—Returns a number as an integer.
- LOG—Returns the natural logarithm of an input number as a real value.
- LOG10—Returns the natural logarithm to base 10 of an input number as a real value.
- MAX—Returns the highest value in a set of values.
- MIN—Returns the lowest value in a set of values.
- PI—Returns the value of pi as a real value.
- POW—Raises a number to the power of another number.
- PRODUCT—Returns the product of a set of values.
- RAD—Converts degrees into radians.
- ROUND—Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
- SIN—Returns the Sine (radians) of a number.
- SINH—Returns the Hyperbolic Sine of a number.
- SQRT—Returns the square root of a number.
- SUM—Returns the sum total of a set of numbers.
- TAN—Returns the Tangent (radians) of a number.
- TANH—Returns the Hyperbolic Tangent of a number.