Standard Expressions
Each standard expression consists of a simple expression. The following information shows the grammar for creating standard expressions:
<expression> ::= |
<simple-expression> [ ( "=" | "<>" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" ) <simple-expression> ] |
<simple-expression> ::= |
[ "+" | "-" ] <term> [ ( "+" | "-" | OR ) <term> ] |
<term> ::= |
<factor> [ ( "*" | "/" | MOD | AND | XOR ) <factor> ] |
<factor> ::= |
[ NOT | "+" | "-" ] ( <function> | "(" <expression> ")" | <boolean> | <integer> | <real> | <date-time> | <string> | <tag> | <cell> | <cell-block> |) |
<function> ::= |
<function-name> "(" [ <expression> { "," <expression> } ] ")" |
<boolean> ::= |
<integer> ::= |
<digit> { <digit> } |
<digit> ::= |
"0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" |
<real> ::= |
[ <integer> ] "." <integer> [ <exponent> ] | <integer> <exponent> |
<exponent> ::= |
( "E" | "e" ) [ "+" | "-" ] <integer> |
<date-time> ::= |
"#" ( <date> | <time> | <date> " " <time> ) "#" |
<date> ::= |
<short-date> | <long-date> |
<short-date> ::= |
<day> "/" <month-number> "/" <year> |
<long-date> ::= |
<day> " " <month-name> " " <year> |
<year> ::= |
<digit> <digit> [ <digit> <digit> ] |
<time> ::= |
<hours> ":" <minutes> [ ":" <seconds> [ <fraction> ] ] |
<fraction> ::= |
"." <digit> [ <digit> [ <digit> ] ] |
<string> ::= |
"'" <text> "'" |
<tag> ::= |
""" ( <relative-tag> | [ <system-name> ":" ] |
<relative-tag> ::= |
"." { "." } ( <data-tag> | <historic-tag> | |
<absolute-tag> ::= |
<data-tag> | <historic-tag> | <historic-calc-tag> | <server-status-tag> | <register-tag> |
<data-tag> ::= |
( <item> | <search-key> ) [ "." ( <property-name> | <method-name> "(" [ <expression> { "," <expression> } ] ")" ) ] |
<historic-tag> ::= |
( <item> | <search-key> ) [ "." |
<historic-calc-tag> ::= |
( <item> | <search-key> ) [ "." |
<item> ::= |
( <group> | [ <group> "." ] <item-name> ) [ "." |
<group> ::= |
<group-name> [ "." <group> ] |
<server-status-tag> ::= |
"#" <status-tab-name> "." <status-key> "." |
- <function-name> is the name of any built in function (see Functions).
- <text> is any literal text (if the text includes the single quotation character ', the character has to be replaced by two ' characters)
- <day> is the day of the month, from 1 to 31.
- <month-number> is the month number, from 1 to 12.
- <month-name> is either the full month name (e.g. October) or short month name (e.g. Oct).
- <hours> is a number from 0 to 23.
- <minutes> is a number from 0 to 59.
- <seconds> is a number from 0 to 59.
- <system-name> is the name of a system available to ViewX (this only applies to in expressions that are evaluated by ViewX clients). A system is a ClearSCADA database.
- <group-name> is the name of a group in the database
- <item-name> is the name of an item in the database
- <aggregate-name> is the name of an aggregate of an item in the database
- <historic-algorithm-name> is the name of a historic algorithm of an item in the database (this can only be omitted when the item has exactly one historic algorithm)
- <property-name> is the name of a property of an item or aggregate in the database
- <method-name> is the name a method of an item or aggregate in the database
- <search-key> is the value of a database search key (see Search Key Tags)
- <parameter-name> is the full name (including group(s)) of a Mimic parameter. This is only applicable to expressions on Mimics (see the ClearSCADA Guide to Mimics)
- <opc-aggregate> is the name of an OPC HDA aggregate (see OPC Historic Tags)
- <relative-time> is an OPC relative time (see Using OPC Time Formats in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).
- <interval> is an OPC time (see Using OPC Time Formats in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration.)
- <status-tab-name> is the name of a server status tab (see Server Status Property Tags)
- <status-key> is the key value of a row in a server status tab (see Server Status Property Tags)
- <status-property-name> is the name of a property of a server status tab (see Server Status Property Tags)
- <field> is the name of a field in a data grid. This only applies to expressions in data grids.
- <row> is the number of a row in a data grid. This only applies to expressions in data grids.
NOTE: You can also include comments in your expressions. Usually, comments are used to provide a brief description of the code so that other users can quickly determine its purpose. You can add comments to any part of the expression code (see Comments in Expressions).