You are here: Driver Reference > Hilscher Driver > Configuring Analog Points > Configure the General Point Properties

Configure the General Point Properties

Use the fields at the top of the Hilscher tab to configure the general point properties. Some of these fields are common to points on many simple drivers (see Configure Common Point Properties in the ClearSCADA Guide to Simple Drivers). Fields that are specific to points on the Hilscher driver are explained below.


On a particular ClearSCADA system, a Hilscher Profibus FMS Scanner is given this configuration:

Object Data Type:INT16 (16-bit integer)
Data Start:3
Data Length:;12 (bytes)

So the Scanner scans elements 3 to 14 on the FMS device (that is associated with the Scanner).

An Analog Point that uses the above Scanner is given this configuration:

Data Size:2

To obtain the value of this point, ClearSCADA extracts the data for elements 6 and 7 from the scanned FMS device.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2