You are here: Driver Reference > IEC 60870-5 Driver > IEC 60870-5 Specific Status Display Attributes > Understand and Resolve Outstation Interrogation Alarms

Understand and Resolve Outstation Interrogation Alarms

ClearSCADA raises an interrogation alarm of the appropriate type (see IEC 60870-5 Outstation Status Attributes) when it either:

Not receiving such a termination or confirmation message from the outstation may occur for one of several reasons, including:

Further Information

Configure the Station and Group Interrogation Intervals.

Counter Operation Modes and Interrogation Requests.

Configure the Counter Interrogation Intervals.

Driver timeouts are configured using the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool (specifically the fields within the Timeouts part of the Drivers section—see Driver Settings in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration).

ClearSCADA 2015 R2