Configuring Properties on the KEMA Tab
The Information Object Address for IEC60870-5 KEMA points consists of 2 octets. The high order octet contains the Type Identification Value that defines the data type being sent from the point. The low order octet contains the Point Index number that identifies the point to the outstation.
- The Type Identification Value—The KEMA driver interprets this value to determine the data type that is being sent ((see Typical Identification Values for KEMA points)). You are not required to enter this value.
- Point Index number—Use the Point Index field in the KEMA tab to enter the address of a point in the outstation. Each point requires a unique address (on that outstation), irrespective of point type. The valid Point Index number range is 1 to 159 inclusive.
Refer to the manufacturers related documentation to set the Point Index number.