Configuring an IEC 60870-5 Slave Outstation
This section covers the configuration of IEC 60870-5 Slave outstations—outstations that allow ClearSCADA to operate as an IEC 60870-5 Controlled Station (outstation). When ClearSCADA is configured as an IEC 60870-5 slave, it appears as a Controlled Station to an IEC 60870-5 Controlling Station (SCADA master station).
The SCADA master station accesses the data in the ClearSCADA database by communicating with one or more of the following ClearSCADA database items:
- IEC 60870-5 Slave Direct Outstation—An outstation that is permanently connected to its SCADA master via, for example, a cable, network, or a continuous radio signal.
- An IEC 60870-5 Slave Direct Outstation can be independent, or can be a ‘parent’ outstation for one or more IEC 60870-5 Slave Logical Outstations (see below). When an IEC 60870-5 Slave Direct Outstation is a ‘parent’ outstation, the SCADA master can issue station interrogation commands to interrogate both the ‘parent’ and any associated Logical outstations.
- IEC 60870-5 Slave Logical Outstation—A Logical outstation represents a separate logical sector that is associated with an IEC 60870-5 Slave Direct Outstation. Each IEC 60870-5 Slave Logical Outstation has its own Common Address and can be read independently from other logical sectors by the SCADA master.
- Configure a separate Slave Logical Outstation for each set of Value Maps that a SCADA master is to read separately from other Value Maps. You might want to use Slave Logical outstation(s), for example, to:
- divide the data that is sent to the SCADA master into blocks that represent specific physical devices
- or:
- extend the number of points (Information Objects) that can be sent to the SCADA master. (If, for example, a channel only supports a 1-byte IOA, a single Slave outstation will only be able to report 255 points.)
- You use the Parent Outstation field on the Slave Logical Outstation Form’s Remote tab to Specify a Slave Logical Outstation’s Parent Outstation. The ‘parent’ outstation has to be an IEC 60870-5 Slave Direct Outstation.
You configure each outstation’s properties using the fields on the IEC 60870-5 Slave Direct Outstation Form, or the IEC 60870-5 Slave Logical Outstation Form, as appropriate.
Each Form has several tabs.
Use the Value Maps tab to:
Use the IEC 60870-5 tab to:
- Configure the Common Address
- Specify Whether the Slave Includes Time Tags in its Data Transmissions.
On an IEC 60870-5 Slave Direct Outstation that communicates using the IEC 60870-5-101 protocol, also use the IEC 60870-5 tab to:
On an IEC 60870-5 Slave Direct Outstation that communicates using the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol, use the Network tab to specify the Host Address and Port (see Define an Outstation’s Network Properties in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers). (Port number 2404 is the TCP and UDP port that is registered for IEC 60870-5-104 use with the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).)
On an IEC 60870-5 Slave Logical Outstation, use the Remote tab to:
The fields on other tabs are common to outstations on many advanced drivers—for information, see Tabs on Outstation Forms in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers.