You are here: Driver Reference > Kingfisher Driver > Configuring Kingfisher Server Settings > Specify Whetherthe Driver is to Communicate Directly Via a Specific RTU Address

Specify Whether the Driver is to Communicate Directly Via a Specific RTU Address

You can configure the Kingfisher driver to communicate directly or indirectly with Kingfisher outstations. Use the 'Via RTU' Control property in the Kingfisher section of the Server Configuration Tool to specify the communication requirements on your system.

Choose from:

ATTENTION: For simple Kingfisher networks you would typically select the Zero option. For complicated Kingfisher networks, you might have to specify an intermediate address that is used to communicate with the target RTU, in which case you should select the Address configured on Set option. We strongly recommend that you thoroughly test that messages do get through via each possible route before deploying either option on a live system, and after changing the settings from one option to another.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2