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Custom Lists

ClearSCADA provides access to many types of List (see Welcome to the ClearSCADA Guide to Lists). Each List is automatically filtered so that it only includes the alarms, events, historic records, or items that are relevant to the specific area of the database from which the List is displayed. If some of the Lists on your system regularly require further filtering in order to restrict their content to those entries that are of interest, consider whether to ‘customize’ those Lists. By ‘customizing’ Lists, you can provide access to such Lists without the need for further filtering each time that the List is displayed.

You can create ‘custom’ Lists in ClearSCADA by:

You can also temporarily customize a List that is not embedded in a Mimic, by altering the SQL query that is being used to display that List. However, be aware that any changes to the SQL query are lost as soon as the List is closed.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2