Time Formats for Filters
If you filter a List by a database field that represents a time, you are offered a predefined choice of base times, or time intervals (see Filter Condition Types) in the Add Filter window or Edit Filter window. If you want to specify a different base time, or time interval to those on offer, select the Relative Time, Relative Times, Specific Time, or Specific Times option.
Whether you select a predefined option, or opt to enter your own time criteria, ClearSCADA is capable of interpreting two time formats when filtering a List:
- Specific Time, using the syntax that is defined by the user’s Date Format. For example,
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
. - Relative Time in the OPC Relative Time Format.
Further Information
Specifying a user’s Date Format: see Define the Regional Settings for a User in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security.
Configuring the Guest and Web User Accounts in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security.