You are here: Core Reference > Coding > Logic > Add Raw Historic Values to Function Block Diagrams

Add Raw Historic Values to Function Block Diagrams

To use raw historic values in Function Block Diagrams, you will need to have an appreciation of how historic values are used in ST programs (see Historic Values in ST Programs).

When you add a raw historic value to a Function Block Diagram, you need to enter its function and arguments as part of the variable tag:

  1. Edit your Function Block Diagram (see Edit an ST Program).
  2. In the Database Bar, select the point that has historic data that is to be used in your Function Block Diagram.
  3. Drag the point onto the Function Block Diagram to display the Add Variable window.
  4. In the Tag field, add the following after the path of the point:

    Historic.<historic function> (<arguments required by function>)

    where <historic function> is the name of the historic function that you need to use, and <arguments required by function> are the times and values needed by the historic function. For example:

    Analog Input.Historic.RawValue ('D-1H', 'H+1H', 0, TRUE)

    You have to enter this information manually—it cannot be selected from a browse list.

  5. Define the other settings for the variable (see Add Variables to a Function Block Diagram).
  6. Select the OK button to confirm.

Further Information

Historic Functions and Arguments.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2