You are here: Core Reference > Coding > Logic > Logic Guide - Direct Variables (ST Programs)

Direct Variables

Direct variables are values that are read from (or written to) items in the ClearSCADA database. You need to reference direct variables in your Logic programs to allow them to react to values in the database and apply changes to values in the database.

There are several ways of accessing direct variables in your ST programs. The most effective type of access for you to use varies according to what you need to achieve.

Usually, if you need your Logic program to read values from the database or write values to the database, you will use a:

However, there are some situations in which using an alternative way of accessing the direct variables is more effective:

ATTENTION: If a database item's name includes parentheses ( ), you should ensure that each opening parenthesis is paired with a closing parenthesis. If this is not the case, any Logic programs that reference the database item will not compile successfully. For example, a point named "Analog Point (4" or "Analog Point (4))" will generate a compile error message. Multiple sets of parentheses will compile successfully, including nested parentheses. For example, a Logic program can refer to a point named "Analog Point (4)" or "Analog Point (4(x))". For more information, see Limitation for Database Item Names Referenced in Logic Programs in the ClearSCADA Guide to Logic.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2