Function Block Diagram Components
Function Block Diagrams can consist of the following items:
- Ladder Diagram components such as rails—see Create a Ladder Diagram within a Function Block Diagram.
- Connection Boxes—see Add a Connection Block to a Function Block Diagram.
- Built-in Function Blocks—see Add a Function Block to a Function Block Diagram.
- Built-in Functions—see Add a Function to a Function Block Diagram.
- Constants—see Add a Constant Value to a Function Block Diagram.
- Conversions—see Add a Conversion to a Function Block Diagram.
- Direct Variables—see Add Variables to a Function Block Diagram.
- Internal Variables—see Add Variables to a Function Block Diagram.
- User Function Blocks—see ST and Function Block Libraries.
The various components of a Function Block Diagram are connected via connection lines, which you can draw to link the connection box of one component to a connection box on another component. These connections allow you to control the flow of the Function Block Diagram (see Edit a Variable on a Function Block Diagram).