Ladder Diagram Display
When you opt to display or edit a Ladder Diagram item, the Ladder Diagram display is shown.
The Ladder Diagram display consists of:
- Database Bar—The Database Bar contains a hierarchical view of the ClearSCADA database. You can drag an item from the Database Bar onto the Ladder Diagram to create a contact or coil for the item.
- Direct and Internal Variables—The variables tabs contain a list of the values that are included in the Ladder Diagram. The Direct tab contains the values that are associated with database items, and the Internal tab contains a list of internal variables such as function blocks (see Add Variables to a Ladder Diagram).
- Ladder Diagram—The Ladder Diagram contains the rails, contacts, coils, functions, function blocks, and connections that form the Ladder Diagram. This is where you create the Logic of the Ladder Diagram (see Configure the Display Settings for Graphical Logic Programs).
- Compiler Display—The compiler display is where ClearSCADA displays diagnostic information for your Ladder Diagram. Any messages associated with compiling and debugging are shown here (see Compiling a Ladder Diagram).
Further Information