You are here: Core Reference > Coding > Logic > Restart Execution

Restart Execution

Associated with: ST Programs, Function Block Diagrams, Ladder Diagrams, Sequential Function Charts.

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Use the Restart Execution action to reset a Logic program’s internal variables to their initial values and recalculate the next execution time (if the program executes On Interval).

When you select the Restart Execution action, all internal variables are reset to their initial values and the Logic program is queued for execution immediately. Any intervals for future executions are calculated from the time you selected Restart Execution (now). The only exception to this is if the Logic program has a defined offset, in which case, when you select the Restart Execution action, the offset is applied before the program is queued for execution.

NOTE: The Restart Execution action is not applicable to ST Libraries.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2