Making an Embedded Alarms List’s Default Filter Settings Take Precedence
You need to define the alarm filter manually if:
- You want to use the default settings for an embedded Alarms List’s filter
- You want the default settings to take precedence over any defined User filter strings.
This is because the default settings have no need for ClearSCADA to generate a string. So when ClearSCADA merges the embedded Alarms List’s filter with that of a User account, the User account filter string is used. This is because the User account’s filter string has defined clauses whereas the embedded Alarms List’s filter is blank.
Embedded Alarms List Filter String | User Account Filter String |
Result |
String created manually by user |
Blank |
ClearSCADA applies embedded Alarms List’s filter string |
String created manually by user, every clause included |
String created manually by user |
ClearSCADA merges the two filter strings and applies the resulting filter. If there is a conflict between the two filters, the embedded Alarms List’s filter takes precedence |
String created manually by user, some clauses omitted |
String created manually by user |
ClearSCADA merges the two filter strings and applies the resulting filter. If there is a conflict between the two filters, the clauses that are explicitly defined in the embedded Alarms List’s filter string take precedence. However, any clauses that are left out of the embedded Alarms List’s filter cannot take precedence. |
Blank |
Blank |
ClearSCADA displays an unfiltered embedded Alarms List (no filter is applied). |
String created manually by user, some clauses omitted |
Blank |
The clauses which are specified in the embedded Alarms List’s filter string are applied. The default values for the clauses that are not specified in the filter string are also applied. |
Blank |
String created manually by user |
The User account filter string is applied. |
To configure the embedded Alarms List’s filter so that its default filter values take precedence over any User account filter strings:
- Display the Embedded Alarms List String dialog box (see Filter an Embedded Alarms List)
- On the Edit Embedded Alarms List String dialog box, select the ...browse button to display the Filter window.
- Using the Filter window’s settings:
- Select the Only Show Alarms Assigned to Current User check box
- Add a Source
- Add an Area of Interest (if this feature is enabled on your system)
- Change the Minimum Severity setting
- Change the Maximum Severity setting
- Clear at least 1 Category.
- Select any State (that is,select any option other than All States).
The reason for changing the settings from the default settings is that it forces ClearSCADA to generate a string automatically. You can then edit the string so that the default settings are used in the string, and so, as a result will take precedence over the clauses in any User account filter strings.
- Select the OK button to confirm your selections.
This closes the Filter window. As you have defined a filter, ClearSCADA generates the corresponding string automatically and it is shown in the Edit Embedded Alarms List dialog box. - Edit the string so that the default filter values are applied. Your string should appear like this:
AOI="World"&Source="*"&MinSeverity="1"&MaxSeverity="1000"&Categories="Alarm Inhibit;Archive Volume;Archiving;Authentication;Callback;Channel Status;Control Status;Dial In Overactive;EFM Alarm;File Upload Status;Forecast;Interface Alarm;Off Scan;Outstation Comms;Outstation Error;Outstation Hardware;Pager Comms;Point Error;Point No Change;Point State;Scanner Status;Scheduled Dial In;Server Status;SMS PagerService;SNMP Configuration Error;System Alarm"&AlarmState="All"&Assigned="FALSE"
NOTE: To apply the default settings, you will need to adjust the values for several clauses: the value for the categories clause needs to include every category that is available on your system; the value for the AOI clause needs to be World (which includes every Area of Interest); the value for the MinSeverity should be 1 and the MaxSeverity should be 1000.
- Select the OK button to confirm your string and close the Edit Embedded Alarms List String dialog box.
The default filter values are applied to the embedded Alarms List and will be applied whenever the embedded Alarms List is displayed.
Further Information
Alarm Filter Syntax: see Alarm Filter String Syntax in the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarms.