Navigating Between Mimics
Hyperlinks are links from one display to another, for example, a link from a Mimic to a Trend. They work in the same way as hyperlinks on web pages and are useful navigation tools—they allow you to access a variety of related displays from a single Mimic. The 'target' display (the display that is shown when the hyperlink is selected) can be displayed in place of the current Mimic or can be displayed in a new window, or another application, depending on the configuration of the hyperlink (see Hyperlinks).
By using hyperlinks, you can ' chain' Mimics—this means that a Mimic has a hyperlink to another Mimic. For example, an overview Mimic could represent a geographical region, and could contain hyperlinks to other Mimics that represent each site in that region. Similarly, the site Mimics could have hyperlinks to Mimics that represent the plant and so on.
When you have used a hyperlink in ViewX, you can step back in the sequence so that the previous display is shown. To do this, select Back in the Operate command group on the Home tab. After you have used the Back command, you can use the Forward command to step forward in the sequence so that the next display in the sequence is shown.
The drop-down menus associated with the Back and Forward commands list the sequence of previously displayed items in the specified direction. You can jump directly to an item by selecting it from a drop-down menu.
When you have used a hyperlink in WebX, you can use the Back button on the web browser to step back in the sequence so that the previous display is shown. After you have used the Back button, you can use the Forward button to step forward in the sequence so that the next display in the sequence is shown.
An operator begins by viewing the default Mimic for a Group. In this instance, the default Mimic is the 'Area 2 Monitoring Station' Mimic (1). The operator selects a link (in this case, a button is configured to act as a hyperlink) to the 'Site Overview' Mimic (2). The operator selects Back to return to the 'Area 2 Monitoring Station Mimic' (1).
The operator selects Forward to proceed to the 'Site Overview' Mimic (2). On the 'Site Overview' Mimic, the operator selects the Site Alarms button which links to the 'Alarms' Mimic (3). Then the operator selects the Staff button on the 'Alarms' Mimic to link to the 'Staff' Mimic (4). On the 'Staff' Mimic, the operator selects Back and is returned to the 'Alarms' Mimic (3). From the 'Alarms' Mimic, the operator can select Back again to return to the 'Site Overview' Mimic or select the Forward to proceed to the 'Staff' Mimic.