Operating a Mimic
This section describes the basic navigation and operation features for Mimics, which include:
- Magnifying a Mimic (Zooming)
- Moving the Mimic within the Display (Panning)
- Locking a Mimic
- Navigating Between Mimics
- Switching Between Layers on a Mimic
- Switching Between Views on a Mimic
- Controlling Items via a Mimic
- Using Embedded Objects on Mimics.
Operator level users will need to have a good knowledge of the navigation and operation features so that they can perform their duties. Engineer level users will also need an understanding of the navigation and operation features so that they can test the Mimics that they have configured. Some features, such as the magnification tools, can be used during Mimic configuration.
NOTE: For information on common components such as the Explorer Bars, the ViewX ribbon, and the File menu, please refer to the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX.