You are here: Core Reference > Mimics > Displaying a Mimic > Use the Navigation Features to Display a Mimic

Use the Navigation Features to Display a Mimic

In ViewX, you can use the navigation features to move between a sequence of displays, including Mimics. So if there are Mimics in the sequence of displays that you have viewed, you can use the Back and Forward commands to display the Mimics as required. The drop-down menu associated with each of these commands includes the sequence of previously displayed items in the specified direction. You can jump directly to a particular item by selecting it from this list.

ViewX also has a Home command that, when selected, displays the Mimic that has been configured as the Home Page Mimic for the User account that is currently logged on. If a Home Page Mimic has not been defined for your User account (or the Guest User account if you are accessing ClearSCADA without logging on), the Home command is grayed out and unavailable for use.

The web browser used by WebX also has Back and Forward buttons that you can use to move between a sequence of displays. If your User account is assigned a Home Page Mimic, that Mimic will display automatically whenever you log on to WebX. It is also possible to configure the web browser’s own Home button to display a Mimic by entering the http:/address of a Mimic in the web browser’s Home Page configuration settings.

To use the Navigation features to display a Mimic:

Further Information

Configure a Home Page for a User Account: see Define the Home Page Settings for a User in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security.

Configure a Home Page for the Guest User: see Define the Client Specific Settings for the Guest User in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2