Associated with: Many Mitsubishi-specific items
The Source attribute is common to many Status displays. The attribute indicates the location at which the item resides. The information shown varies, depending on the item.
The Source attribute displays the value Undefined if the item’s configuration is incomplete, in so far as the device with which the item is associated has not yet been specified.
For Mitsubishi Scanners, information is displayed in this format:
<Port>:<Baud Rate>:<Data Bits><Parity><Stop Bits>:PLC <Node ID (Slave)>,
Device <Device Type> - <start of scanned address range>-<end of scanned address range>
COM6:9600:8N1:PLC 77, Device Buffer - 00016-0001A
(For a Mitsubishi Scanner that is being used to scan a range of five Words in a Buffer device, from Data Address 22 (00016 in hexadecimal) to 26 (0001A in hexadecimal). The scanner uses a channel that has these settings: the channel communicates via port COM6, uses a 9600 baud rate, has 8 data bits, no parity (N) and 1 stop bit.)
For Mitsubishi Analog Points, information is displayed in this format:
<Port>:<Baud Rate>:<Data Bits><Parity><Stop Bits>:PLC <Node ID (Slave)>,
Device <Device Type> - AG <start of scanned address range>-<end of scanned address range> (<Data Type>)
COM6:9600:8N1:PLC 77, Device Buffer - AG 00018-00019 (DINT)
(For an analog point that represents signed 32-bit (DINT) data in a Buffer device. The data is located at Word Offset 2 and is associated with the Scanner that is shown in the example above. Thus, the analog data is at addresses 24 and 25 (as the location = scanner Data Address 22 + Word Offset 2 and the Data Type is DINT). The addresses 24 and 25 are shown in their hexadecimal format of 00018 and 00019. Channel communication details are as the scanner example, above.)
For Mitsubishi Digital Points, information is displayed in this format:
<Port>:<Baud Rate>:<Data Bits><Parity><Stop Bits>:PLC <Node ID (Slave)>,
Device <Device Type> - AG <start of scanned address range>-<end of scanned address range> (<Data Type>)
COM6:9600:8N1:PLC 77, Device Buffer - DG 00017 (bit offset 2, 2 bits)
(For a 2-bit digital point that represents data in a Buffer device. The data is located at Word Offset 1, Bit Offset 2 and is associated with the Scanner that is shown in the example above. Thus, the digital data is located in the third and fourth bits of address 23 (which is shown in its hexadecimal format of 00017). Channel communication details are as the scanner example, above.)
The Source attribute displays the type of Mitsubishi point using these abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Point Type |
AG |
Analog point |
DG |
Digital point |
NOTE: Be aware that the device address in the Source attribute is displayed in decimal for some memory areas and in hexadecimal for others. This addressing convention follows the convention used for MELSEC A PLCs (see Mitsubishi Data Address Ranges).