You are here: Driver Reference > Modbus Slave Driver > Modbus SLAVE Driver Guide - Configuring a Modbus Slave Channel

Configuring a Modbus Slave Channel

Modbus Slave channels are used to provide ClearSCADA with additional connection information. They allow the ClearSCADA server to use the Modbus protocol to communicate with its Master.

Specify the features for each Slave channel by using the fields on the Modbus Slave Channel Form.

The Modbus Slave Channel Form has several tabs.

This section shows the default properties on the Channel tab (see Channel Properties). It also explains the options that are available on the Connection tab of the Form (see Connection Properties).

For information on common fields, and the fields on other tabs, see Tabs That are Common to Many Configuration Forms in the ClearSCADA Guide to Simple Drivers.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2