Log Off from WebX
ATTENTION: This topic relates to the deprecated Original WebX client that is supported by this and previous versions of ClearSCADA. For information about the WebX client that is supported by ClearSCADA 2015 R1 onwards, click here.
You’ve now learned how to access Mimics, the Alarms List, the Events List, Queries Lists, and information about database items via the WebX interface. You’ve also learned how to apply sorting and filters to lists. Before you Test Your Knowledge on the WebX Interface, you should log off:
- Select the Log Off button on the navigation bar. In WebX, you are logged off as the 'EngExample' user. However, you can still use WebX as the 'Guest' user (if that built-in user account is enabled on your system).
Now let’s see how much you have learned—proceed to Test Your Knowledge on the WebX Interface.