You are here: Driver Reference > Pager Driver > Configuring a Pager Service > Enable or Disable Beep Code Support for a TAP Pager Service

Enable or Disable Beep Code Support for a TAP Pager Service

Some pager service providers support a beep code. This is a simple ASCII code that is sent with the pager message and it instructs the pager to make a particular sound (beep). The sound that is made will vary according to the type of device and the pager service provider.

You can use ClearSCADA to send beep codes to TAP pagers, but this functionality is only available if you enable the Service supports a beep code property on the TAP Pager Service Form.

To enable or disable beep code support for a TAP Pager Service:

  1. Display the Pager Service Form.
  2. Select the TAP Service tab.
  3. Either:
  4. Or:

  5. Save the configuration (see Saving Configuration Changes in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).

If you have enabled the beep code feature, users will be able to define a beep code when they send a message. The code that they enter will instruct the recipient pager to make a specific sound when it receives the message.

Further Information

Sending a Message to a Pager or Mobile Phone.

Configure a TAP Pager Service.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2