You are here: Driver Reference > Pager Driver > Pager Driver Guide - Sending a Message to a Pager or Mobile Phone

Sending a Message to a Pager or Mobile Phone

When your database contains suitably configured User accounts, Pager Services, and Pager Channels, you can use the Send Message and Send Pager Message actions to send messages to pager devices and mobile telephones. The availability of these actions depends on:

If you have access to the Send Message and Send Pager Message actions, you can use ClearSCADA to:

If your User account has the Configure Database permission and the Configure permission for an Alarm Redirection Pager Action, you can configure ClearSCADA to redirect alarm messages to a pager or mobile telephone. To do this, you need to configure an Alarm Redirection Pager Action so that it is associated with database items that are to have their alarm messages redirected. When alarm messages are generated for these database items, ClearSCADA will automatically send the messages to the pager or mobile telephone specified in the configuration of the Alarm Redirection Pager Action. For more information, see Redirecting Alarm Messages to Pagers or Mobile Phones Automatically.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2