Associated with: Performance Monitor Scanners and Analog points
The Source attribute is common to many Status displays. The attribute indicates the location at which the item resides. The information shown varies, depending on the item.
The Source attribute displays the value Undefined if the item’s configuration is incomplete, in so far as the device with which the item is associated has not yet been specified.
The Source attribute for a Performance Monitor scanner displays information in this format:
<Node Name or Mode>
Node PC45
for a scanner associated with local node PC45 (the node on which the ClearSCADA database resides).
The Source attribute for a Performance Monitor analog point displays information in this format:
<Node Name or Mode>:<Tag>
Node PC303: Memory\Available Bytes
for an analog point that is used to monitor the available bytes of memory on the local node PC303.
NOTE: The text ‘Main Mode’ is displayed in place of the node name if the Node field is left blank on the Scanner Form. This indicates that the point monitors data on whichever server is Main.