View your QueryPad Command History
Within the SQL Entry pane you can use CTRL+ the Up or Down arrow keys to view the commands you have made (in sequential order). This is useful when you have used QueryPad to display a significant amount of information, as it allows you to quickly find previous commands so that you can retreat them or make further commands that are similar.
To view the command history, you have to be logged on to QueryPad and have made one or more commands.
To view the command history:
- Press the CTRL + Up arrow keys to display the previous command that you entered in QueryPad. The command is shown in the SQL Entry Pane.
- Press theCTRL + Down arrow keys to display the next command that you entered in QueryPad. This only applies after you have used the CTRL + Up arrow keys to view a previous command. The command is shown in the SQL Entry Pane.
Further Information
Saving a Query Command History